What Is Website Management? (And Why You Need It for Your Business) 您所在的位置:网站首页 What is website What Is Website Management? (And Why You Need It for Your Business)

What Is Website Management? (And Why You Need It for Your Business)

2023-03-27 19:31| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Everybody is familiar with ‘web design’, but not many companies know and use website management services.

Even though it might be essential for their business growth.

If you don’t agree on this point, just ask yourself:

What do you do if your website crashes?

That downtime has the potential to cost you thousands of dollars in profit every minute.

Do you have the team in place to get your website up and running again?

This is where dedicated website management comes in.

Website management is a team of skilled people ready to fix your site at a moments notice.

They have the know-how your internal staff lacks.

Here we give you the complete breakdown on website management.

What it is, examples of what it handles, and why you need a dedicated website management team right away.

What Is Website Management?

The definition of website management is,

“Website management includes maintenance, design updates, content updates, and the connection and management of various online marketing solutions to provide a consistent and professional-looking website experience.”

All of this is necessary to avoid that people leave your website without taking action and get a wrong first impression of your brand.

Seems simple enough, but what does the maintenance of these systems need?

It’s a fair assumption that most people don’t know what to do once their website breaks down or needs a design update.

Even though you might use a WordPress site or other website builders, it can get confusing pretty quickly.

And time-consuming!

A website management specialist knows how to address the problem. They will solve it correctly without breaking your site.

Company's Top Marketing Challenges - Website Management

In fact, according to Hubspot, website management is one of the top digital marketing challenges for companies in 2019.

This is why management is important.

Anyone could replace an image on your site. But, will they cut its file load? Alt tag it in the right way? Put it in the right place on the page? Be able to correct the coding when it looks wonky?

Well, no.

Website management covers an array of different aspects of your site. They can solve issues with hosting, SEO, content uploads, and more.

Let’s look at some other examples of website management in action.

What Does a Website Manager Do?

A website managers role varies from business to business.

Large scale e-Commerce conglomerates need a large team of website management experts.

Any glitch in the system of that type of site could cost a company hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Companies with simple lead-generating websites can get away with a few dedicated specialists.

What Does a Website Manager Do? - Website Management

No matter the size of the team the job is the same.

Your website manager is in charge of making sure your website is running at its optimal level.

Handling mechanical design processes, optimizations, getting the site found in search, and more.

It’s rare for a company to find one person who can wear all these hats.

Outsourcing to a specialist company will be your best bet. Companies like these have a variety of experts in every aspect of website management.

Here are some examples of what a website management team would be responsible for.

Website Management Examples Website Management Examples

Here are a few examples of professional website management services:

Web Analytics Processes Installation of data tracking cookies with the proper implementation of user agreements Adequate install for third-party tracking tools such as Google Analytics The creation of funnel analytics and hot spot tracking (so you can see where your users are clicking) Consistent Website Optimizations Creation and setup of new product pages Posting of new blog content Updating outdated website content Optimizing images Website Maintenance Fixing any website issues which arise Solving any hosting snafus Updating and maintaining all website plugins Continued monitoring of website performance Search Engine Optimization Updating title tags and image alt tags Meta tag optimizations Mobile readiness optimizations Maintenance of Web Marketing Funnels Creation and updates of funnel landing pages Setting up intensive webinars Setting up sales funnels that make it easier for your customers to convert

Overwhelmed? This is why you need a team of specialists dedicated to managing your website.

Website Redesign vs. Website Management: Which Is It?

Website management takes care of the site you have now.

They focus on the maintenance and optimization of the current site and its processes.

When something breaks, they fix it by making it work as it did before.

A website redesign is creating something new.

It’s overhauling the existing website and changing the look and function.

This is a good idea if you’re using outdated web design. Or, you want to switch back-end management systems (SquareSpace to WordPress, for example).


Redesigning a website is not a one-time project either.

Even though most web design agencies will treat your website redesign like this.

They will charge you a big lump-sum payment and then try to upsell you their website management service.

So after the redesign will be complete, your website management team takes over again to maintain this new site.

Developers perform website redesigns and managers maintain the operations of a developed site.

Does Website Management Work for All Businesses?

That’s a good question.

The short answer? Yes.

As long as you have a website.

The internet has merged into every aspect of our daily lives.

Consumers are far more likely to engage with a brand if it has a strong web presence.

Keep your website on the top of your priorities list.

You’re leaving money on the table and underutilizing an amazing opportunity otherwise.

So website redesign and website management go hand in hand.

You need to remain in control of your business.

Obtaining website management from professionals leaves you more time to grow your business.

It gives you more time to develop new marketing strategies. It opens up a whole new world of online marketing opportunities.

Since you have a team that knows what they’re doing, you can do a lot more with your site.

How much more could you do if your website was running itself?

You could focus more on your social media presence. Develop your next innovation. Doing more for your business becomes more comfortable. You’ve taken something off your plate that isn’t your specialty.

What Types of Website Tasks Can I Delegate?

What else could you delegate to website management companies and different professionals?

You may be able to find one agency or company that can handle everything you need in website management.

But, you may have to find a few different virtual professionals to build your web team.

Here are the primary responsibilities you can delegate to a virtual team member or agency.

1. Web Design Updates

As a growth-driven business you probably already use digital marketing channels to acquire new customers.

Most campaigns will have one or more touchpoints with your website or landing pages.

Creating and updating these pages can take a lot of time.

Having your own web design department on hand is the dream for every busy marketing manager who wants to execute her marketing ideas faster.

Web Design Updates - Website Management

Here are just a few of these time-killing tasks that you can delegate to a website management team:

Changing or adding new stock images Creating new website graphics Refreshing existing website theme Tweaking website templates Fixing web design errors Updating website fonts for better design and readability Finding and creating new blog images/graphics Designing and implementing opt-in forms Setting up new e-commerce product pages And much more 2. Technical Website Tasks

Creating a beautiful and high-converting website is one thing, dealing with technical issues something completely different.

No matter what website builder or coding language you use for your business website, technical issues are inevitable.

Technical Website Tasks - Website Management

In these situations, it is more than helpful to have someone who can jump in and fix what’s broken.

What an experienced developer can do in a few minutes or hours, can take you easily a full working day.

Website technology progresses and is updated regularly.

It is almost impossible to keep up if you don’t develop and update websites for a living.

Here are some ideas of technical challenges that you could say ‘Goodbye’ to:

Hosting & domain setup Fixing hosting issues Fixing web design issues Publishing new blog posts Website speed optimization Optimizing image size Installing and configure new WP plugins / Shopify apps Updating WP plugins / Shopify apps Adding or updating tracking pixels Google Analytics/Search Console setup Connect website with other marketing tools And much more 3. Automation Tasks

The internet with all it’s web apps allowed businesses to streamline and automate many workflows that usually required manual work.

Automation Tasks - Website Management

There is not one marketing tool that covers it all.

Sooner or later, you will rely on multiple marketing tools which need to be connected and automated to run properly.

Website management provider like Growmodo with its Web Concierge service can help you with the following and more tasks:

Setting up marketing funnels Webinar funnel setup Setting up and running A/B tests Automation setup (via Zapier) Setting up an email newsletter Setting up drip campaigns Creating goals and conversion funnels in Google Analytics Creating custom Google Analytics reports Chatbot setup (content required) Do I Need a Big Budget for Website Management?

The budget for website management will vary depending on your needs.

No matter what, you are going to be looking at an ongoing monthly cost.

Say you have a lead generating site that produces 75-100 new leads each month.

The sales team is consistent in producing a 40% conversion rate.

Your average conversion is $1,000. So, your website is making you between $30,000-$40,000 a month. Or, $360,000 to $480,000 a year.

Website management costs vary between $500-$2,000 per month.

In the above calculation, consider the actual cost of your website being down for a day. Even if your downtime is only 24 hours, you would be losing $1,000-$1,350.

And, without a management team already in place, you’d be looking at more like a 72-hour outage.

Do I Need a Big Budget for Website Management?

That would cost you $3,000-$4,050.

A dedicated website management team would be able to have the site back up in a matter of hours.

That seems worth it and not big at all in the scheme of things.

How Does Website Management Fit Into My Digital Marketing Strategy?

Website management is the crux of your digital marketing strategy.

They will be the ones to carry out all the tasks that the strategy develops.

By investing in good people, and you will have a better ROI.

I’m Ready to Try Website Management. Now What?

What’s the bottom line? Website management is essential to your modern-day business.

Your website is essential in the current marketing landscape.

It is imperative that it stays in good working order and continue to be a living landscape.

The last thing you want is for your website to seem stale and outdated.

Proper management will keep you up-to-date and modern.

Ready to hire a professional team of designers and developers for a flat monthly rate? Try our concierge service today.






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